Jacksonville Area (ThreadEx Station)
Daily Almanac
Date: Oct 10, 2008

Daily Values Observed Normal Record/Year Prev Year
Max Temperature - 80 92 in 1941 88
Min Temperature - 62 46 in 2000 69
Avg Temperature - 71 82.5 in 1941 78.5
Precipitation - 0.14 3.22 in 1924 0.00
New Snowfall - 0.0 0.0 in 2007+ 0.0
Snow Depth - 0.0 0 in 2007+ 0
HDD (base 65) - 0 9 in 2000 0
CDD (base 65) - 7 18 in 1941 14

Month-To-Date Observed Normal Record/Year Prev Year
Avg Max Temperature - 81.6 90.4 in 1986 84.4
Avg Min Temperature - 63.3 51.2 in 1987 71.9
Avg Temperature - 72.5 81.7 in 1941 78.2
Total Precipitation - 1.71 11.46 in 1996 5.88
Total Snowfall - 0.0 0.0 in 2007 0.0
Avg Snow Depth - 0.0 0 in 2006 0
Total HDD - 0 21 in 2000 0
Total CDD - 82 169 in 1941 134

+ indicates record also occurred in previous years (last occurrence listed).

This station's record may include data from more than one, possibly incompatible,
locations. It reflects the longest available record for the Jacksonville Area.
Normals used in this product are from JACKSONVILLE INTL AP

Official data and data for additional locations and years are available from the Regional Climate Centers and the National Climatic Data Center.